
Platform for software support to learning
Faculty of Contemporary Arts uses an advanced, unique platform for learning support to make studying easier for its students.
The learning support platform has been designed as an additional resource for mastering the curriculum.
The students have the possibility to independently upgrade their knowledge through multimedia materials, exercise tests and communications with the teachers over the Internet (chat sessions).
That way, the acquiring of knowledge has been optimally facilitated, while maintaining the quality of education.
The platform has been modeled after the world’s best platforms, and it is constantly upgraded to as information technology progresses and provides the students with the best possible user experience.
Online testing system
What’s the most efficient way to check your own knowledge? You’ll do one of many online test in the database of Faculty of Contemporary Arts.
After covering online lessons or entire courses, you have the option of making an assessment of your knowledge. The system will automatically calculate the percentage of correct answers and the number of points and point out the mistakes that you have made, so that you can return to the lesson and efficiently cover the problematic parts.
The learning system
Access to the learning support platform is granted to the students 24/7. The student himself/herself chooses the time when he/she wants to access to system and study in accordance with other commitments and activities. There following elements available for study purposes, depending on the subject’s nature and type:
- viewing prepared video recordings from the lectures,
- listening to audio recordings,
- reading online articles,
- reading prepared PDF materials for every lesson,
- PowerPoint presentations and all other elements uploaded by the subject professor, according to the nature of the course,
- knowledge assessment test, as well as a test for each covered area.
Chat consultations with the professors
The advantages of studying at the Faculty of Contemporary Arts also include chat consultations with the professors. This way there is an additional channel for communication in real time and the possibility of asking any professor a question.
You can also follow the listing of past consultations which can be a valuable source of information in case you have missed some sessions.