Art knows no borders

Works of art disseminate universal values and erase borders. People from all over the world are able to receive messages that works of art transmit, because one does not need translation when it comes to artistic experience. This universal language manages to bring together people from all corners of the world and celebrate their differences.

However, in order to become a part of the global art scene, you must obtain an adequate education, one that is able to prepare you for that role.

Education that opens the door of the global art scene

Faculty of Contemporary Arts is the only artistic faculty at which students can attend classes and take exams in English. Thanks to that fact, already during the course of your studies, you will be given the opportunity to participate in international auditions and castings and be given roles that might bring you global fame.

A proper international education will successfully open the doors of world-famous theaters, galleries, cultural institutions and companies that deal with arts and design.

Actors’ clear route to walk of fame

Drama students are given more roles if they are equally proficient in acting both in their mother tounge and in English. Language is one of actor’s essential means of expressions, therefore, a constant refinement of your skills in a foreign language will prepare you for all kinds of opportunities, both in the country of your residence and abroad.  Once you master your English, you will learn how to apply that knowledge authentically in the roles you will be given.

Preuzmite besplatan informator Fakulteta savremenih umetnosti


Unesite svoju imejl-adresu i preuzmite informator Fakulteta savremenih umetnosti, u kome ćete saznati:

  • detaljan plan i program za sve smerove i profile;
  • uslove školovanja;
  • šta sve dobijate u paketu školovanja na FSU;
  • utiske studenata – vaših budućih kolega;
  • ko će biti vaši predavači;
  • dodatne pogodnosti koje ostvarujete studiranjem na FSU.

Preuzmite besplatno informator i saznajte šta sve dobijate studiranjem na Fakultetu savremenih umetnosti.