Turn your talent into one of the best-paid professions

Graphic designers are among the most sought-after and best-paid experts of today, and that’s why this is one of the most popular professions.

Studies at the Faculty of Contemporary Arts prepare the students for real challenges on this job and that is why the emphasis is on the practical work. At the Faculty of Contemporary Arts you will acquire prestigious IT knowledge, skills, experience and certificates that will make the quality of your work stand out and prepare you for a successful career.

Whom is the Graphic Design department intended for?

If you want to create visual identity or participate in the branding of all sorts of companies, products or individuals, i.e., if you want to play with shapes, color, typography… then the studies of Graphic Design are the best way to direct and develop your talent.

This department is also intended for those who would like to work in design in a mora comprehensive way. This is why at FSU, you have an opportunity to gain insight into the functioning of other branches of design, such as industrial design; costume, textile, furniture design…

In other words, at the Graphic Design department you acquire wide-ranging knowledge that constitutes a sublimation of the processes and approaches characteristic for different areas of work in design. At the end of your studies, you become a professional who really can create a comprehensive and remarkable visual identity, no matter for what or whom it might be intended.

Preparation for entrance exam

At the Faculty of Contemporary Arts you can prepare for the entrance examination free of charge to ensure that your talent shines in the best light at the exam itself. You have at your disposal an unlimited number of consultations with the teachers; make the most of them. Don’t miss the opportunity to receive expert advice and guidance from artists renowned in their field.

Entrance exam

The entrance exam comprises two parts. The candidates first take a drawing exam (four classes of drawing using charcoal). The topic is still life. Drawing paper is provided by the faculty, but you have to take drawing tools to the exam. This is followed by the professional part of the exam. The candidate is assigned a topic, and they do a professional assignment in graphic design – a poster, book, or logo. The professional part is done on A4 format using a technique of your choice. You have to submit a portfolio of your works.

Duration: 1 day, 8 school periods

Marina Crnogorac Dimitrijević
Crnogorac Dimitrijević
Dušanka Komnenić
Željko Komosar
Svetlana Knežević Lukić
Knežević Lukić
Zorica Lola
Aleksandra Đorđević
Irina Tomić
Uroš Dojčinović

At vocational courses you will attend at this department you will get tasks and solve problems same as those that professional designers face. Step by step, you will achieve the quality that is necessary for finding your first engagements.

At the Graphic Design module students are encouraged to work individually and in teams, to bring in new suggestions and to take initiative.

Besides the lectures at the faculty, they also have the chance to hear lectures by guest lecturers – preeminent experts in design, and learn from their experience.

Prestigious Adobe certificates

To find a good job at the very beginning of your career and have the possibility to choose projects you enjoy, you need to know how to use Adobe software such as Photoshop, Illustrator and others. You also need to prove your knowledge by prestigious certificates.

The IT skills you acquire at the Faculty of Contemporary Arts prepare you to pass the exams for Adobe certification and have a head start when it comes to job applications.

Adobe certification
  • ACP Visual design using Photoshop;
  • ACP Graphic design & illustration using Adobe Illustrator;
  • ACP Print & digital media publication using Adobe InDesign;
  • ACP Web authoring using Adobe Dreamweaver;
  • ACP Digital video using Adobe Premiere Pro;
  • ACP Visual effects & motion graphics using Adobe After Effects;
  • ACP Multiplatform animation using Adobe Animate CC.

Work on real projects

To prepare for their future job and the work conditions ahead in the best possible way, during the studies, the students are involved in work on real projects that they do individually or in cooperation with their colleagues from their own and other departments of the Faculty of Contemporary Arts.

Designers give an invaluable contribution in the creation of visual identities and brands. They also have a major role in the realization of every project, from art event to marketing campaign.

Accordingly, they shape all sorts of materials, from posters, through catalogs, brochures and logos, to entire promotional campaigns.


This is a great success for one national faculty, and obtaining partner status is also an indicator of the recognition and reputation that our faculty has in the international academic community among European faculties of this kind. Thus, FCA officially became part of the academic community of the most prestigious European faculties of design.

Faculties that are current members of GIDE are the following: Politecnico di Milano, the most prestigious faculty of design in Europe; Thomas More (Mechelen/Antwerp), the largest interior design faculty in Belgium; Universidade da Madeira (Portugal); University of Dundee (Scotland); Faculty of Design (Ljubljana); University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (Lugano); Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (Spain); Faculty of Contemporary Arts (Belgrade).

What next?

Upon the completion of the studies of design at the Graphic Design module, you have a number of possibilities ahead of you. Numerous projects you have realized during your studies constitute excellent material for your portfolio which you will form with your professors’ assistance and guidance.

You can also choose the place where you will acquire professional practice: companies Comtrade and LINK group, marketing agencies, etc.

With such CV and portfolio, the certificates that prove your knowledge and the practice that has brought you experience, you will be the right choice for any employer and you will be able to land the job of your dreams.

New profile at FCA: Animation, Illustration and Game Art

There is a growing need for artists who would organize and shape the content available to us. In accordance with our tendency to keep our curriculum in step with the contemporary tendencies and the marker demand, we have perceived the need for a new profile within graphic design – Animation, Illustration and Game Art.

The program is focused on acquiring the knowledge and skills that will enable you to use your artistic talent in the gaming industry. You will learn to illustrate and animate 2D and 3D characters, to make complete videogame design, to draw comic books… in short, all that makes this growing branch of industry exceptionally interesting and popular.

Video games that bring together many people, creating a subculture in its own right, require that what they offer, those new fantastical worlds, be carefully thought out and competently designed down to the smallest detail.

Read more about the new profile here.

Preuzmite besplatan informator Fakulteta savremenih umetnosti


Unesite svoju imejl-adresu i preuzmite informator Fakulteta savremenih umetnosti, u kome ćete saznati:

  • detaljan plan i program za sve smerove i profile;
  • uslove školovanja;
  • šta sve dobijate u paketu školovanja na FSU;
  • utiske studenata – vaših budućih kolega;
  • ko će biti vaši predavači;
  • dodatne pogodnosti koje ostvarujete studiranjem na FSU.

Preuzmite besplatno informator i saznajte šta sve dobijate studiranjem na Fakultetu savremenih umetnosti.