Undergraduate Multimedia Production studies curriculum

View the curriculum for Multimedia Production, where you will get all the skills necessary for entering the world of film, TV, radio and other media and art projects.

Through successful completion of this study program, you will become a complete visual, film, stage artists and multimedia/dramatic professionals, with a diploma in multimedia production.

First yearCodeSubject nameSemesterSubject statusESPB
1.1AUOZ101Fundamentals of Management1Required8
2.1AUOZ102Public Opinion1Required6
3.1AUOZ103Art History Overview 11Required4
4.1AUOZ104Elective Course 1
– English Language 1
– Italian Language 1
5.1AUIZ105Elective Course 2
– Introduction to Stage Design
– Introduction to Multimedia Art
6.1AUO3106Fundamentals of Academic Writing1Required2
7.1AUOZ201Fundamentals of Marketing2Required8
8. 1AUOZ202Psychology2Required2
9.1AUOZ203Human Resource Management2Required8
10.1AUOZ204Elective Course 3
– English Language 2
– Italian Language 2
11.1AUIZ205Elective Course 4
– Fundamentals of Computer Science
– Creative Writing
Total active teaching classes in the study year = 60060
Second yearCodeSubject nameSemesterSubject statusESPB
1.1AUOZ301Fundamentals of Theater and Radio Directing3Required8
2.1AUOZ302Dramatic Art3Required6
3.1AUOZ303Introduction to Contemporary Art Practices3Required8
4.1AUIZ304Elective Course 5
– Theater Production
– Radio Production
5.1AUOZ401Business Informatics4Required8
6.1AUOZ402Media Practices in Contemporary Art4Required8
7.1AUOZ403Fundamentals of Film and TV Directing4Required8
8.1AUIZ404Elective Course 6:
– Film Production
– Stage Activism
Total active teaching classes in the study year = 60060
Third yearCodeSubject nameSemesterSubject statusESPB
1.1AUOZ501Film Art5Required8
2.1AUOZ502Public Relations5Required8
3.1AUOZ503Information Systems5Required8
4.1AUOZ504Marketing Management in Culture5Required6
5.1AUOZ601Management in the Media6Required8
6.1AUOZ602Financial Management6Required8
7.1AUOZ603Exhibiting and Presenting Works of Art6Required8
8.1AUOZ604Elective Course 7
– Video Production,
– TV Production
9.1AUOZ605Professional Practice6Required2
Total active teaching classes in the study year = 60060
Fourth yourCodeSubject nameSemesterSubject statusECTS
1.1AUO3701Speech and Communication Culture7Required8
2.1AUO3702Fundamentals of Media Theory7Required8
3.1AUO3703Art and Culture Project Management7Required8
4.1AUO3704Elective Course 8
– Introduction to the Theory of Performance in Art
– Business Ethic
5.1AUO3801Intellectual Property Rights8Required6
6.1AUO3802Contemporary Tendencies in Art Production8Required6
7.1AUO3803Art Direction8Required4
8.1AUOZ804Creative Entrepreneurship8Elective4
9.1AUO3804Diploma Thesis8Required10
Total active teaching classes in the study year = 60060
Total ECTS credits240