Our main goal and task should be to create people better than ourselves because that is the only way we justify our existence in the academic world and all the time we spend with students. I got such a privilege at FCA, where I strive to share all my knowledge and experience with students and inspire them to become the best version of themselves. In turn, I myself learn a lot from those wonderful young people who look at the world with different eyes – eyes that have not yet been blinded by the trivialized absurdities of modern life. I think together we make a very good team – one that is always creative and that wins together!

Preuzmite besplatan informator Fakulteta savremenih umetnosti


Unesite svoju imejl-adresu i preuzmite informator Fakulteta savremenih umetnosti, u kome ćete saznati:

  • detaljan plan i program za sve smerove i profile;
  • uslove školovanja;
  • šta sve dobijate u paketu školovanja na FSU;
  • utiske studenata – vaših budućih kolega;
  • ko će biti vaši predavači;
  • dodatne pogodnosti koje ostvarujete studiranjem na FSU.

Preuzmite besplatno informator i saznajte šta sve dobijate studiranjem na Fakultetu savremenih umetnosti.