“Become a VR Pro” – LINK edu Alliance launched a new scientific research project

/ / News / 6. 01. 2023.

LINK edu Alliance is following the world’s best practices in the field of the application of information technologies in education and is very successful in doing so. Analyzing the offers of the best providers of educational equipment at leading world fairs, we have selected optimal products and software that meet our strict criteria. We were the first in the field of education to start using virtual reality, augmented reality and artificial intelligence.

LINK edu Alliance has launched a new scientific research project that aims to analyze the best practices in the application of virtual and augmented reality in education. Through the use of primary and secondary sources to find the best models of application of virtual reality and augmented reality, as well as artificial intelligence in our institutions of formal education – Primary School Savremena, Savremena Gimnazija, Information Technology High School (ITHS), Information Technology School (ITS) and Faculty of Contemporary Arts – LINK edu Alliance wants to increase the degree of application of virtual reality, augmented reality and artificial intelligence in primary, secondary and higher education, respecting the principle of Children and Youth First (FIRST).

The project is planned to be implemented through several phases, with defined goals and outcomes that will provide numerous benefits to our students and teachers and enable further development of the teaching profession and the spreading of new knowledge.

Preuzmite besplatan informator Fakulteta savremenih umetnosti


Unesite svoju imejl-adresu i preuzmite informator Fakulteta savremenih umetnosti, u kome ćete saznati:

  • detaljan plan i program za sve smerove i profile;
  • uslove školovanja;
  • šta sve dobijate u paketu školovanja na FSU;
  • utiske studenata – vaših budućih kolega;
  • ko će biti vaši predavači;
  • dodatne pogodnosti koje ostvarujete studiranjem na FSU.

Preuzmite besplatno informator i saznajte šta sve dobijate studiranjem na Fakultetu savremenih umetnosti.