Email address: stefan.zivkovic@fsu.esu.rs
Narrow scientific/artistic field
Communication design, Digital drawing
Layout, Storyboard, Concept Design, Synthesis Project
Milan Dragojlović graduated in 2003 from the Faculty of Applied Arts of the University of Belgrade – Department of Illustration.
After completing his Bachelor’s studies, he started his Master’s studies at the University of Arts in Belgrade, but due to various circumstances, after two years of attending lectures, he left his Master’s studies and found a job in the gaming industry.
In the period between 2005 and 2010, he worked on local pioneering gaming projects, after which he collaborated with various publishing houses and illustrated chemistry, physics, mathematics, Serbian and technical education textbook.
Since 2015, he has gained experience as an illustrator and designer through international projects and cooperation with foreign companies, where he is still pursuing his professional career today.