Saša Filipović

Saša M. Filipović

full professor

Narrow scientific/artistic field:
Painting and drawing

Drawing, Painting, Painting Technology

Saša Filipović completed graduate and postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Visual Arts in Belgrade, which was followed by a doctorate at the Academy of Fine Arts and Multimedia, where he later started teaching as a full professor at the drawing and painting department. He became the dean of the faculty in 2017.

  • Drawings and paintings, 38th Serbian Youth Festival, Knjaževac;
  • Heads 2001, Center for Culture Sopot;
  • Drawings, Academia Nacional de Bellas Artes “San Alejandro” – Havana, Cuba;
  • 40 Martyrs – paintings, FLU Gallery, Belgrade;
  • Paintings, Cultural Center Gallery, Kosovska Kamenica;
  • 2011. History – drawing, Kolarac Endowment Gallery, Belgrade;
  • Drawings, Bridges of Balkan Gallery, Kragujevac;
  • Works on Paper, Novi Sad Cultural Center, Novi Sad.
  • Annual Exhibition, Kolarac Endowment;
  • 2012. Professors’ Exhibition, National Museum, Vranje;
  • Small Format, Cultural Center Novi Pazar;
  • City Museum, Prijedor;
  • Small Format Mosaic, Small Gallery ULUPUDS;
  • The Writing, Belgrade Gallery;
  • 9th Belgrade Salon, Army Center, Belgrade;
  • ZILIK, Old Captaincy, Zemun;
  • 5th Belgrade Drawing Biennale, Cvijeta Zuzorić, Beograd;
  • Zemun Salon, Old Captaincy, Zemun;
  • Contemporary Art Center, Montenegro, Podgorica;
  • 9th Drawing Biennale, Belgrade;
  • May Graphics Exhibition, Graphical Collective, Belgrade;
  • 42nd October Salon, Šabac;
  • 9th Drawing Biennale; Student City, Belgrade;
  • HEIL KUNST, National Museum, Vranje, Aleksinac;
  • Vidovdan 2014, Cultural Center Gallery, Gračanica.
  • Purchase prize for mosaic, 1998;
  • Conservation and restauration of Nikola Spasić Endowment passage, 2012;
  • Kivorijum for the Saints Hoachim and Anna Church, 2014;
  • Manager of the International Student Art Colony “Childrens’ Village”, Sremska Kamenica from 2001 to 2006; manager of International student colony Plav 2011;
  • Participation at conference “PROGRAM CREATIVE EUROPE 2014-2020: Serbia and the perspectives of European cooperation”
  • Jury member at the 12th Student Drawing Biennale SCG 2006;
  • Jury president at the 16th Student Drawing Biennale;
  • Reviewer with the Commission for the Accreditation of Study Programs;
  • Expert Associate with the National Educational Council, 2014;
  • FLU prize for mosaic;
  • Drawing prize at the 10th Student Drawing Biennale SCG;
  • Grant from “Petar Lubarda” foundation; 2002. 10th Belgrade Salon award;
  • Award at the Art and Sport competition;
  • Mentorships: 15 for master’s theses, 15 for diploma theses.
  • Participation in commissions for the defense of magister theses;
  • Drawings exhibition, “Academia Nacional de Bellas Artes San Alejandro”, Havana, Cuba, 2001;
  • Project “The portrait of a happy Olympian EYOF”, Belgrade;
  • Project “Professor and his students”, Belgrade;
  • Project “Festival of Applied Informatics and Art”, Belgrade;
  • Project “Open Atelier Night”, Belgrade; Project “Conservation and Restoration of Nikola Spasić Endowment passage”;
  • Project “Conservation and Restauration of the Iconostasis in the Church of Saint Archangel Gabriel”, V. Ropotovo;
    Project “Kivorijum for the Church of Saints Joachim and Anna”, Kaluđerica;
  • Project “Stone Iconostasis for the Church of Saints Joachim and Anna”, Kaluđerica;
  • Dean’s assistant for teaching of the Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade;
  • Dean of the Faculty of Contemporary Arts in Belgrade.
  • Current involvement in projects
  • Making a steel iconostasis for the Church of Saints Joachim and Anna in Kaluđerica

He is currently a doctorand at the doctoral studies of Visual Arts at the FCA, in Belgrade.
Engagement on the development of teaching: participation in designing and creating study programs of painting of undergraduate, master’s and doctoral studies; organized eight diploma exhibitions; independent public presentation of 5 students; participated in 5 humanitarian campaigns, on his own or with his students.