Apply and start your studies at more favorable terms

You must develop your talent in order to realize all your dreams and professional at what you do. Waste no time, start your higher education this very year.

Undergraduate studies prices for first year enrollment for 2024/25

Department Price for applications by May 31 Total Price In 12 installments
Dramatic Arts 4.600 5.000 383
Visual Arts (Graphic Art, Multimedia, Painting ) 2.783 2.888 232
Design (Graphic design, Game art, Interior Design) 3.771 4.035 314
Fashion Design 2.550 2.710 213
Creative Communications (Multimedia Production, Music Communication, Aplied Media and Content Creation) 2.450 2.700 204
Creative business / / /

Master studies prices for first year enrolment for 2024/25

Department Price for applications by May 31 Full price In 12 installments
Dramatic arts 4.600 5.000 383
Visual arts 2.650 2.800 221
Design 3.360 3.600 280

Doctoral studies prices for first year enrolment for 2024/25

Department Price for May 31 Full price In 12 installments
Dramatic arts – Acting 3.520 4.000 293,33
Visual arts – Painting 3.520 4.000 293,33
Design 3.520 4.000 293,33

* Prices are listed in euros. The fee is paid in dinars at National Bank of Serbia’s selling rate on the day of payment.

Fees for students from earlier generations are calculated according to the price list current at the time when the students enrolled into the first year.

This means that each generation, by the deal’s special decision before the start of the school year, a discount will be determined for the second and all further years, from the full price listed on this page.

Pre-registration for class 2024/25. is open

To ensure the best possible terms, you need to apply as soon as possible. The number of places at each department is limited, and the longer you wait, the higher the fee. This is why the right time to apply is right now.


Paying in 12 installments

One of the special benefits reserved for the students who apply within the registration period is the possibility of payment in 12 monthly installments during the school year. This way we reward all those who show determination, readiness and ambition – qualities worthy of Faculty of Contemporary Arts’ wholeaharted praise and support.