An exhibition of our professor Đorđe Stanojević is open at the Goethe-Institut gallery in Belgrade

/ / News / 11. 04. 2024.

The Goethe-Institut gallery in Belgrade is hosting a unique exhibition titled “Kristali svetlosti” by the renowned artist and our professor Đorđe Stanojević. Fifteen years ago, he decided to leave his studio in Belgrade and establish a new one in nature, which was a turning point in his artistic career.

Over the years, Stanojević has developed a unique methodology that combines natural processes with art. All his works are created outdoors, in a natural setting, regardless of the weather conditions. This practice allows the artist to engage in a dialogue with nature and create images that serve as a medium in the fractured relationship between humans and nature.

“Dialogue is the keyword. It is through the image that a dialogue with nature is achieved. The content of the image emerges in this dialogue”, emphasizes the artist. Stanojević’s paintings are created horizontally on the ground, using natural pigments and media on canvas. It’s important to note that the artist does not restrain the action of natural forces in the process of creating the image; instead, he follows them and allows them to shape the picture, thus achieving a unique dialectic between intention and chance.

The exhibition “Kristali svetlosti” offers visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves in Stanojević’s world of art and experience his unique dialogue between art and nature. Visitors will have the chance to see how light touches the pigment on the paintings, creating crystals in which the artist recognizes truth. The paintings have their period of maturation; the more layers they have, the richer the internal space that light activates, making it alive only in dialogue with it.

The exhibition “Kristali svetlosti” will be open until May 6, which is an excellent opportunity to better understand Stanojević’s unique art and enjoy it.

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