FCA co-organizer of the COANTIVIRUS exhibition dedicated to the fight against coronavirus

/ / News / 8. 04. 2020.

Since the beginning of the current health situation, the Faculty of Contemporary Arts has been active in numerous activities aimed at fighting the coronavirus pandemic. Apart from staying physically healthy, it is very important to take care of our mental health; to feed our mind and body and, to the extent possible, quench our thirst for culture.

This is why FCA decided to co-organize the COANTIVIRUS exhibition, available online and open throughout the state of emergency. 

The works of six FCA students and professors at the exhibition

The following FCA professors and students have taken part in the exhibition: professors Saša Filipović, Đorđe Stanojević, Ružica Bajić Sinkević and Dragan Ćalović, MA student Mile Šaula and BA graphic design student Nadica Đorđević.

Our faculty is one of the institutions that have co-organized the exhibition. The organizer of the exhibition is the NY20+ art center from Chengdu (Sichuan, China), supported by the Chengdu Nongyuan International Art Village.

We would like to remind you that since the beginning of the epidemic, digital sculpture professor Bogdan Čontoš and his students have joined the campaign of creating face shields and masks for health workers using 3D printers. FCA has thus shown social responsibility and artistic engagement during the pandemic, when it is more important than ever to apply our skills for a good cause.

Visit the COANTIVIRUS exhibition, stay home and stay healthy!