Ana Tasić

Assistant Professor

Specific scientific/artistic field of expertise
Theories of Art

History of World Drama and Theater, History of Drama and Theater, Theory of Performing Arts

Ana Tasić completed her undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade in 2002 (Department for Management and Production in Theater, Radio, and Culture). In 2008, she earned a master’s degree in Theater studies with a thesis on “Treatment of Body/Corporeality in New Brutalist Drama and Theater” at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade. She defended her doctoral dissertation on “The Influence and Use of Electronic Media in Postdramatic Theater” in 2012 at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade, specializing in theater studies.

She has been a selector for numerous theater festivals, both national and international, including Days of Comedy in Jagodina (2007–2012, 2016–2018), Festival of Professional Theaters of Vojvodina (2011–2012), Showcase Program at Bitef (2008), Sterijino Pozorje, National Drama Program (2010), Montenegrin Theater Biennale in Podgorica (2012–2014), MESS Festival in Sarajevo, Bosnian-Herzegovinian Drama Program (2022), etc.

Ana has been a member of various expert juries and committees in institutions in Serbia and abroad, including the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia, Secretariat for Culture of the City of Belgrade, Sterijino Pozorje, Bitef, Infant, Festival of Choreographic Miniatures, “Ljubinka Bobić” award, “Raša Plaović” award, Kotor Festival of Theater for Children, Teatar Fest in Banja Luka, etc.

She has moderated and participated in numerous national and international forums, workshops, symposiums, and conferences on theater studies (Belgrade, Novi Sad, Podgorica, Bratislava, London, Moscow, Aberystwyth, Cambridge, Lincoln, Craiova, etc.). Ana was a recipient of scholarships from the Ministry of Science of the Republic of Serbia and conducted research within scientific projects “Umetnost i mediji u funkciji evropskih integracija” and “Identitet i sećanje: transkulturalni tekstovi dramskih umetnosti i medija (Srbija 1989–2015)“. She has published numerous studies in the field of theater creation in specialized national and international journals (Teatron, Scena, TFT, Kultura, Gest, Book of Proceedings of the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Book of Proceedings of Matica Srpska for Stage Arts and Music, Monografija Pozorišta na Terazijama, Monografija Malog pozorišta Duško Radović, Kod 21 journal, Unpack the Arts (Copenhagen), Szinhaz (Budapest), etc.). Ana has undertaken numerous study trips to London, Edinburgh, Aberystwyth, Vienna, Prague, Moscow, Berlin, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Bratislava, Reims, Cologne, Cluj, etc.

She has published three books, including two theater studies: “Otvorene rane (telo u neobrutalističkoj drami i pozorištu)” (Institute for Theater, Film, Radio and Television, 2009) and “Digitalni dvojnici (Pozorište u ekranskom svetu)” (Sterijino pozorje, 2015), and a collection of theater critiques titled “Tragovi pozorišne besmrtnosti” (Sterijino pozorje, 2023).

She is the winner of Sterija’s award for theater criticism (2015) and the “Niko Garone” award for special engagement and commitment in the field of culture (2016).

She was a selector of numerous theater festivals, national and international, a member of many theater juries, a moderator and a participant in a series of international forums, workshops, symposiums and conferences in the field of theater studies. She wrote and continues to write critical texts about theater and film for numerous media. She worked as a teacher at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade, where she taught the History of World Drama and Theater. She was a scholarship recipient of the Ministry of Science of the Republic of Serbia and a researcher on the scientific projects “Art and media in the function of European integration” and “Identity and memory: transcultural texts of dramatic arts and media (Serbia 1989-2015)”.

  • Since 2005, she has been a permanent theater critic for the daily newspaper “Politika”.
  • Since 2017, she has been an editor and author in the editorial office of the Cultural and Artistic Program of RTS.
  • Since 2022, she has been working as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Contemporary Arts in Belgrade.
  • In 2023, Ana was appointed as the selector for Sterijino Pozorje (2024–2025).