Dušica M. Filipović

Associate Professor

Narrow scientific/artistic field:

Fundamentals of Academic Writing, Culture of Speech and Communication, Academic Writing, Creative Writing 1, 2, 3

After acquiring a diploma in Serbian literature and language from the University of Pristina’s Faculty of Philology, she acquired an MA from the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade, after which she successfully pursued a doctorate in literature at the same faculty, acquiring it in 2016.
Since 2016, she has taught at the Higher Education Institution for the Vocational Studies Educators Gnjilane with temporary headquarters in Bujanovac.
She has been teaching at the Faculty of Contemporary Arts as an associate professor since 2017.

Naučni rad:

  • Filipović, D. Jedan kulturološki obrazac: etička i estetička polifonija ili upitomljavanje sveta, International scientific conference Komunikacija, kultura, stvaralaštvo: nove naučne paradigme (Communication culture, creation: new scientific paradigms) held 3-5 October 2014. at the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad. Editors: Virginia Popovic, Ivana Janjic, Speranta Milovanovici, Eugen gagea; Arad: “Vasile Goldis”, University Press, Novi Sad: Fondatia Europa, 2015, str. 322-329; Book of Abstracts 14-15; UDK:06.074/.078(497.11 Beograd) Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi sad, 3-5 October 2014, Discrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Nationale a Romaniei ISBN 978-973-664-779-6; ISBN 978-86-87879-14-0 [M 14]
  • Filipović, D. Između ratnog i mirnodopskog: muški i ženski princip u ‘Lirici Itake’ i ‘Dnevniku o Čarnojeviću’ Miloša Crnjanskog International scientific conference Nauka i savremeni univerzitet 4 held at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Niš on November 14 and 15, 2014. godine; Conference proceedings, Faculty of Philisophy in Niš, Niš,-2015., pp. 209-222; International scientific conference Nauka i savremeni univerzitet Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Niš, 15 and 16 November 2014. UDK 821.163.41.09-1 Crnjanski M.; 821.163.41.09 – 31 Crnjanki M [M 33]
  • Filipović, D. Od habitualnog ka rizomskom identitetu: etos dva književna lika u ‘Drugoj knjizi Seoba’ Miloša Crnjanskog. Drugi međunarodni interdisciplinarni skup mladih naučnika društvenih i humanističkih nauka KONTEKSTI, 4. 12. 2014; In: Conference proceedings, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy, Novi Sad 2015, pp. 349-358. ISBN 987-86-6065-338-5; In: Second International Interdisciplinary Coference for Young Scholars in Social Sciences and Humanities, programme and book abstacts, ISBN978-86-6065 -286-9; CIP 316.7-029:088(048).3), COBISS.SR-ID 291780615, pp. 33-34.
  • Filipović, D. Značenje abjektnog u prozi Miloša Crnjanskog. International scientific conference Jezik, književnost, značenje held on April 24 and 25, 2015 at the Faculty of Philosophy in Niš; book of abstracts, oo. 29, Niš, 2015. In Conference proceedings: Jezik, književnost, značenje, književna istraživanja, Edited by: Vesna Lopičić, Biljana Mišić Ilić, Niš, 2016, pp. 103-114, UDK 821.163.41.09-3 Crnjanski, M. 82.0-3; BN978-86-7379-408-2; COBISS.SR-ID 222818060; In: Book of abstract from the scientific conference Jezik, književnost, značenje Univerzity of Niš, held on April 24 and 25, 2015. Faculty of Philosophy, Anglistics Department, SCERO print – Niš, p. 29
  • Filipović, D. Agon fluktualne i fertilne femine u romanu ‘Kap španske krvi’ Miloša Crnjanskog. First international interdisciplinary conference Karlovački dani slobodne misli held at “Radulovački” environmental center in Sremski Karlovci, June 5 to 7, 2015. In: Socijalne (de)konstrukcije identiteta. Conference proceedings from the 1st international interdisciplinary conference Karlovački dani slobodne misli, CEZASM, Center for the Affirmation of Free Thought, Sremski Karlovci, 2015, str 107-119; UDC 821.163.41-31.09; book of abstracts p. 31. [M 33]
  • Filipović, D. Melanholija drugosti u putopisnom eseju Tajna Albrehta Direra. International interdisciplinary conference Karlovački dani slobodne misli, June 3–5, 2016 in Sremski Karlovci; In: Conference proceedings from the 1st international interdisciplinary conference Percepcije drugog kao drugačijeg, CEZASM; Book two, Sremski Karlovci, Ed. Andrae Raković, pp. 103-114. 316.37(082)(0.34.4.) ISBN 978-86-019377-2-0.
    Presentations on international level conferences:
  • Dušica Filipović (2015), A CULTURAL PATTERN:ETHIC AND AESTETIC POLYPHONY OR TAMING OF THE WORLD); Arad: “Vasile Goldis”, University Press, Novi Sad: Fondatia Europa, 2015, pp. 322-329; Book of Abstracts 14-15; UDK:06.074/.078(497.11 Belgrade) Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi sad, 3-5 October 2014, Romaniei ISBN 978-973-664-779-6; ISBN 978-86-87879-14-0 [M 34]
  • Dušica Filipović (ENTRE LA GUERRE ET LA PAIX : LE PRINCIPE M LE ET PRINCIPE FEMININ DANS LIRIQE D’ ITHAQUE ET LE JOURNAL DE ČARNOJEVIĆ DE MILOS CRNJANSKI), Collected papers, Faculty of Philosophy in Niš, Niš, 2015, pp. 209-222; International scientific conference Nauka i savremeni univerzitet Faculty og Philosophy, University of Niš, 15 аnd 16 November 2014. UDK 821.163.41.09-1 Crnjanski M.; 821.163.41.09 – 31 Crnjanki M. [M 34]
    -Dušica Filipović (TOWARD TOTALITY OF THE POWER: AGON OF FLUCTUAL AND FERTILE FEMINA IN THE ROMAN A DROP OF THE SPANISH BLOOD OF MILOS CRNJANSKI) In: Socijalne (de)konstrukcije identiteta. Conference proceedings from 1st international interdisciplinary conference Karlovački dane slobodne misli, CEZASM, Center for the Affirmation of Free Thought, Sremski Karlovci, 2015, pp. 107-119; UDC 821.163.41-31.09; book of abstracts p. 31. [M 34]
  • Filipović, Dušica. MELANCHOLY OF OTHERNESS IN MILOS CRNJANSKI’S ESSAY THE SECRET OF ALBRECHT DüRER, In: from 1st international interdisciplinary conference Karlovački dani slobodne misli (KDSM), CEZASM, Sremski Karlovci, 2016, p. 10 [M 34]
  • Filipović, Dušica. (From habitual to rhizomatic identity: Ethos of two literary figures in “The second book of migrations” of Milos Crnjanski) Second International Interdisciplinary Conference for Young Scholars in Social Sciences and Humanities KONTEKSTI, 4.12 2014.; In: Conference proceedings, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy, Novi Sad 2015,  pp. 349-358. ISBN 987-86-6065-338-5; U: Second International Interdisciplinary Coference for Young Scholars in Social Sciences and Humanities, programme and book abstacts, ISBN978-86-6065 -286-9; CIP 316.7-029:088(048).3), COBISS.SR-ID 291780615, pp. 33-34. [M 34]
  • Filipović, Dušica (THE MEANING OF ABJECT IN THE PROSE OF MILOS CRNJANSKI, scientific conference: JEZIK, KNJIŽEVNOST, ZNAČENJE, In Conference Proceedings: Jezik, književnost, značenje, književna istraživanja, Edited by: Vesna Lopičić, Biljana Mišić Ilić, Niš, 2016, pp. 103-114, UDK 821.163.41.09-3 Crnjanski, M. 82.0-3; BN978-86-7379-408-2; COBISS.SR-ID 222818060; In: Book of abstracts from scientific conference Jezik, književnost, značenje University of Niš, held on April 24 and 25 2015. Faculty of Philosophy, Anglistics Department, SCERO print – Niš, p. 29 [ M 34]
  • Filipović, Dušica. Hronotop Vizantije u putopisu ‘Ljubav u Toskani’ Miloša Crnjanskog. International scientific conference Jezik, književnost, prostor held on April 28 and 29, 2017 at the Faculty of Philosophy in Niš; book of abstracts, pp. 27-28, Faculty of Philosophy in Niš, Niš, 2017 [M 34]
  • Filipović, D. (2015). Kosovo između svuda i nigde, (afterword). In Ana Mumović, Kosovo – open issue. Institute for Serbian Culture, Priština – Leposavić, Kraljevo, Garficos, 2015, pp. 125-132. ISBN 987-89025-22-4; COBISS.SR–ID 217287692; [M45]
  • Filipović, D. (2005). Iskorak u slobodu, predgovor Zborniku radova Sačekaj i svanuće učenika Medicinske škole u Velikom Ropotovu, Šilovu i Pasjanu, str. 12-13, Medicinska škola, Beosing, Beograd; ISBN 86-903227-5-2;COBISS.SR-ID 123496972; [M45]
  • Filipović, D. (2004). Krik bez eha i odziva, essay about paintings by Saša Filipović, Literarni otisak, Gnjilane, pp. 189-191.; ISSN 1451-0499;COBISS.SR-ID 108644876 M 45
  • Filipović, D. (2017). Dafina Isakovič: Grčka vrba između dva sveta. In Školski čas jezika i književnosti, Journal on Serbian Language and Literature Teaching Methodology, Number 1, Year XXXIII, IP „VAŠA KNJIGA“ d.o.o., 2017, pp. 96-110, ISSN 0352-1338; ISSN 1450-6521 [M 52]
  • Filipović, D. (2016). Hrišćanska inicijacija i slatko pravoslavlje u knjizi ‘Sveti Sava’ Miloša Crnjanskog, In: Vidovdanski glasnik: godišnjak za kulturu, Cultural Center, Gračanica, 2016, Year XXV, No. 24, pp. 39-42, Priština, Europrint, ISSN 0354 – 7817 Vidovdanski glasnik; COBISS.SR-ID 30361351; [M52]
  • Filipović, D. (2015). Kroz oblak i prah, kroz zrak i dah: svrati u Draganac, ponekad. In: Vidovdanski glasnik: godišnjak za kulturu, Cultural Center, Gračanica, 2015, Year XXIV, No. 23, str. 51-55, Priština, Europrint, ISSN 0354 – 7817 = Vidovdanski glasnik; COBISS.SR-ID 30361351; [M52]
  • Filipović, D. Invited lecture on the Third International Interdisciplinary Conference Karlovački dani slobodne misli, Topic – Jezik i pseudosobenost, Sremski Karlovci, 2017; lecture held on June 2, 2017. Lecture title: Muški i ženski princip u prozi Miloša Crnjanskog: eros tela, mišljenja i jezika. In Book of abstracts, pp. 29-30
  • Filipović, D. Muški i ženski princip u prozi Miloša Crnjanskog, defended master’s thesis; mentor prof. Dr Jovan Delić, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philology; date of defense: 15. 07. 2014. 329 pages.
  • Filipović, D. Poetika dinamičkog identiteta u delima Miloša Crnjanskog: odnos putopisno-memoarskog i dramskog prema romanesknom. (defended doctoral dissertation); mentor, prof. dr Jovan Delić; University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philology; day of defense: 22. 06. 2016. 355 pages. [M71]
  • Author of the Literature Test (3rd year) for the differential exam at the Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade, July 2016 (filed as No. 405 from 12. 07. 2016. and 389 from 06. 07. 2016 [P 17]
  • Author of the Literature Test (4th year) for the differential exam at the Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade, July 2016 (filed as No. 405 from 12. 07. 2016. and 389 from 06. 07. 2016 [P 17]
  • Selector and permanent jury member of the International Literary Competition Šantić’s Quill from 2007 to 2017 (S 35)
  • For the motivation and participation of students at the 14th visual art and literary competition Svetosavlje i naše doba; awarded by Religious Education Council of Bačka Eparchy, Circle of Serbian Sisters of Bačka Eparchy, Center for Visual Art Education of Children and Youth of Vojvodina and Vojvodina Teachers’ Association, 2005
  • For personal engagement in the realization of the project Šantić’s Days (2007), “Aleksa Šantić” elementary school, Belgrade
  • Second prize at the 11th literary encounters “Gordana Brajović” (Aleksinac, 2008) for mentoring stundent Arula Aleksa
  • Readers’ Badge – for the contribution and affirmation of reading culture among the students (2007-2008), Library of the City of Belgrade
  • Shared award for the work Cyrillic Pulse in the category of students’ collective works at the 14th traditional visual art and literary competition “Svetosavlje i naše doba”; awarded by Circle of Serbian Sisters of Bačka Eparchy and Center for Visual Art Education of Children and Youth of Vojvodina (2005)
  • Silver Medal of the Mother of Nine Jugovićs (as a mother of four), silver coin and gramata (Vidovdan 2006), Eparchy of Ras and Prizren, Prizren-Gračanica
  • Golden Medal of the Mother of Nine Jugovićs (as a mother of five), golden coin and gramata (Vidovdan 2014), Eparchy of Ras and Prizren and Kosovo and Metohija, Prizren-Gračanica
  • Honorary citizen of the royal city of SIRMIUM, silver coin and gramata (2012), City of Sremska Mitrovica Tourism Organization
  • Šantić’s Quill (for artistic achievement and expressed talent), 2012, “Aleksa Šantić” elementary school, Belgrade

Thank you notes: 

  • For personal engagement in the realization of the project Šantić’s Days (2007), “Aleksa Šantić” elementary school, Belgrade
  • For donating to the construction of the Church of Saints Joachim and Anna (2007), Serbian Orthodox Church Municipality, Kaluđerica
  • Thank you note for the motivation and participation of students at the 14th visual art and literary competition Svetosavlje i naše doba; awarded by Religious Education Council of Bačka Eparchy, Circle of Serbian Sisters of the Bačka Eparchy, Center for Visual Art Education of Children and Youth of Vojvodina and Vojvodina Teachers’ Association, 2005
  • Strengthening the employees’ professional capacities, especially in the area of innovative teaching and classroom management and the competencies for the teaching field, subject and teaching methodology (2015), Serbian Language and Literature Society of Serbia, Faculty of Philology, Belgrade
  • The contemporary study of Serbian language and litarature and Slavic languages as native, non-native Slavic and foreign (2014), Faculty of Philology, Belgrade
  • Between regulations and practice (2010), School of Hospitality and Tourism, Belgrade
  • Modular program of permanent computer training – INITIAL module (2008), Belgrade
  • Training program in the realization of civics teaching (2008), Ministry of Education in Sports of the Republic of Serbia in cooperation with Civic Initiatives, Belgrade
  • To dance, sing, create through dance (2008), Children’s Dancing Association of Belgrade
  • Towards contemporary teaching of Serbian language and literature II (2010), Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia, Serbian Language and Literature Association of Serbia
  • Towards contemporary teaching of Serbian language and literature II (2008), Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia, Serbian Language and Literature Association of Serbia
  • Towards contemporary teaching of Serbian language and literature I (2008), Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia, Serbian Language and Literature Association of Serbia
  • School grading in elementary school (2007), Institute for the Evaluation of the Quality of Education and Upbringing, Belgrade
  • Teaching Serbian Language and Literature in Primary and Secondary School 47th, 48th, 49th, 53rd, 56th and 57th winter seminar, (2006, 2007, 2008, 2011, 2015, 2016), Faculty of Philology in Belgrade
  • Serbian language and literature teaching methodology in classroom teaching (2005), Ministry of Education and Sport of the Republic of Serbia
  • Creative education (2004), University of Arts in Belgrade, Center for Professional Development and Consulting in Culture, Art and Media
  • Serbian language in school reform (2002), Aranđelovac
  • School without violence (permanent training program at the Institution)
  • School bulleting Life Is Beautiful (2004, 2005)
  • Linguistic brochure Ćućorenje (2005)
  • Intermedia project Cyrillic Pulse (2005)
  • Redefined school newspaper Zora – thematic number The Unlocking (year 23, No. 41, May 2005)
  • Creative workshop – dramatic studio Niko kao ja in cooperation with the City of Belgrade Library (2006)
  • International literature competition Šantić’s Quill (selector and permanent jury member from 2007 to 2017)
  • Biographical-analytical and theoretical-aesthetic overview of the life and work of Miloš Crnjanski, multimedia module of experimental literature class Endless blue circle and in it: Miloš Crnjanski! (2007)
  • Organizing and conducting 12 workshops within the School Without Violence project (2013, 2014, 2015)
  • Collaborator and moderator at the Film Day of Young Audience of the European Film Academy of the Children’s Cultural Center of Belgrade (2014 and 2015)
  • Co-authorship with academic artist Milorad Vukanović on the creation of project application for Šantić’s Quill – plaque in terracotta (2014)
  • Co-authorship with dr Milorad Filić and mr Saša Filipović on the brochure Draganac Monastery – Serbian Istochnik, blessed by The Very Reverend Archimandrite Ilarion (Lupulovića), nastojatelj of the Draganac Monastery
  • Co-authorship with Sveti Sava Religious Academy in Belgrade and religious education teachers in the preparation and realization of Saint Sava Academy (dramatic recital The Heavenly Liturgy of Bishop Nikolaj Velimirović), Parchian Home of the Church of Saint Sava in Vračar, 2016
  • Author of the script of the Saint Sava Academy Sveti Sava – The Name We Call Ourselves By, Higher Education Institution for Vocational Education Teachers Gnjilane – Bujanovac, 27. 1. 2017
  • Author of the script for the celebration of one decade of the Šantić’s Days Festival of Children’s Creative Works Šantić’s Days – Šantić’s Quill 2007-2017, 22 May 2017, “Aleksa Šantić” elementary school, Kaluđerica
  • Conducting 12 workshops from the project School Without Violence, “Aleksa Šantić” elementary school, Belgrade, Organizer and expert moderator, 2013, 2014, 2015
  • Film Day of Young Audience of the European Film Academy of the Children’s Cultural Center of Belgrade, Collaborator and moderator, 2014, 2015
  • Creative workshop – drama studio Niko kao ja in cooperation with the City of Belgrade Library (2006), Author and expert manager of the program, 2006
  • International literary competition Šantić’s Quill, selector and permanent jury member, 2007-2017

Membership in boards and councils:

  • Member of the Programming Board of the Third International Student Conference KDSM in Sremski Karlovci, Work on the program and the selection of lectures, June 2–4, 2017