Andjela Petrovic / / News / 10. 03. 2024.
We are pleased to inform the public that the Book of Proceedings from the International Multidisciplinary Conference “Challenges of Contemporary Higher Education” – CCHE 2024, held on Kopaonik from January 29 to February 3, 2024, has been published. This significant event brought together experts from various fields, and their works are now available in four extensive volumes of proceedings published by the Conference of Academies for Applied Studies in Serbia (CAASS) and the Faculty of Contemporary Arts.

Zbornik radova je strukturiran po sledećim oblastima:
- Vol_1: Elektrotehnika, telekomunikacije i informacione tehnologije
- Vol_2: Medicinske nauke; Prirodne i matematičke nauke
- Vol_3: Mašinsko inženjerstvo i industrijski softver; Saobraćaj, urbanizam i građevinarstvo; Zaštita i korišćenje zemljišta, voda i vazduha; Biotehnologija i poljoprivreda
- Vol_4: Filozofija, psihologija, pedagogija i sociologija; Pravo, ekonomija i političke nauke; Umetnost; Jezici za posebne namene
The Book of Proceedings is structured into the following areas:
- Vol_1: Electrical Engineering, Telecommunications, and Information Technologies
- Vol_2: Medical Sciences; Natural and Mathematical Sciences
- Vol_3: Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Software; Traffic, Urban Planning, and Civil Engineering; Land, Water, and Air Protection and Use; Biotechnology and Agriculture
- Vol_4: Philosophy, Psychology, Pedagogy, and Sociology; Law, Economics, and Political Sciences; Arts; Languages for Specific Purposes
The Proceedings contain works of exceptional academic value, aiming to contribute to the development and further advancement of the scientific and professional community. Each published work carries a certain academic value, with each work in the proceedings being evaluated with 1 point in category M33, while invited lectures are valued at 3.5 points and belong to category M31.
Also, the Book of Proceedings from the Student Symposium has also been published.
Anyone interested can access the Proceedings on the official CCHE conference website or directly via the link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15cMDG0QcNFyAIeeKTUMhqASA1NGZmvzJ?usp=drive_link.